Jul 14Liked by Eighth House Astrology

thank you as always<3

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Excellent, as always. One question, though: is the Tarot card the 5 of Pentacles or the 4 of Pentacles? You mentioned the 5, but your description sounded more like the 4.

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This was great. Thanks so much!

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This is an excellent synopsis of the current moment and the approaching aspects. It is really something when the transits are so on the nose, isn't it? Take care and be safe this week!

The continued reactivation of the December 2020 Great Conjunction degree is really shaking things up. The Cap Moon falls right on it too, conjunct Pluto, and so reactivates that point and its potential, its demands that we change and embrace the future, while also giving Saturn his due. The final big activation will be when Pluto goes direct and passes over it one last time in December. After that, the activations will be less extreme, mainly being from the inner planets yearly (Mars once every two years) passage across 0 degrees Tropical Aquarius. Outer planets will continue to activate that point through sextiles (Saturn and Neptune at 0 Aries), Squares (from 0 degrees Taurus) and trines (Uranus from 0 degrees Gemini). Jupiter will conjunct that point again in about 8 years, Saturn will in about 25 years, but none of the planets beyond Saturn will conjunct that point in our lifetime. Pluto is the last of the conjunctions to that point by the generational planets for quite some time, and it is giving a real dose of Plutonian energy to the evolving energy of the new Great Conjunction cycle. Forced change, all while feeling tremendously held back. A time to look at the past and future with Saturnian reality and decide how to move forward. We have a choice in how we move forward. Pluto is showing it to us, if we choose to see it.

I really appreciate your insights in this post! ;-)

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